America First

Prioritizing our nation is more than politics; it's a moral duty.

Charity begins at home, extending to preserve our country.

Border Security

This is crucial for the United States of America.

Cartels exploit open borders, endangering citizens for massive profits.

Protecting our 2nd Amendment

The right to bear arms is ingrained in the USA for hunting, sport, and self-protection.

The USA was born to overthrow tyranny.

Protecting Innocent Unborn Lives

Life begins at conception & abortion is murder.

Abortion is a states’ rights issue.

In Texas, we protect the unborn.

Free Speech

Censorship serves authoritarianism, not progress.

Dissenting voices, often right, face censorship by our own government.


In 2019, Trump's economy thrived.

Biden's policies caused inflation.

The solution is a return to America First principles.